My daughter is 3 years and 5 months old when the baby boy came into the world. She knew we were having a baby and she was involved in every step while the baby was growing inside my wife's tummy. We wanted our daughter to be excited and feel as if she is the most important person in this whole process. She was enjoying it very much and she was out spokes person to the world when it comes to the new baby. She told everybody that we were having a baby before ever we were ready to announce to the world about the new baby. Wherever we went, she was not keeping her mouth shut.
She enjoyed the sibling class we took her to learn the responsibility of being the big sister. She had watched The Big Sister episode of Dora umpteen number of times and may be that's what made her mentally ready. After coming back from the sibling class, she expressed her desire to take care of the baby by feeding and giving bath. Though we were excited, we kind of started getting anxious.
On the day when baby was born, my daughter was sound asleep in her room at our home. That morning I went back home and got her to hospital to see the baby. All through out the driving, she was elated and very much excited.
On entering the room, when I showed her the baby, she suddenly went silent and calm. She never saw such a little living being in her life. Her expressions were complex. Excited and yet calm. She smiled and I could see the big sister feeling coming up inside her. Whether she felt it's a good living toy, that's something I would know in later days!
She was impatient to leave the baby in the hospital and wanted to take the baby home at that instant. We had a hard time explaining her why the baby needed to be in the hospital. On the way back home at the end of visiting hour, she was sad and crying for not having the baby with her. But it was just the matter of another day before she could have the baby at home.
I was feeling pretty good that our daughter is very ready for the baby and we would have a smooth sailing when it comes to the sibling care. Was I right or was I wrong?
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