My son is not yet 2 months old. He is 6 days away from that. But he already started smiling. A smile that takes all your stress away. With that smile, the cooing is very very intoxicating. From the day he started smiling, I have been always looking at him to see the smile back again.
On the other hand, my daughter is reducing to a baby. Now there is constant crying, fussing from her. She has started to drink liquid from sippy-cup or baby bottles. That God, she is not going back to those 4 ounce bottles. That would be a definite disaster.
But my son likes to play with my daughter, even though my daughter makes it a point to irritate him whenever possible. If he is sleeping, then she would talk loud or scream loud so that the baby would wake up. If he is just laying silently, then she would go and kiss him or do something to him until he starts fussing. Yet, he still loves to play with her and watched her constantly. That's how siblings make things work!